Footer text ENG
Sales conditions:
Our general terms and conditions of sale apply exclusively to all our offers/quotations for the sale and/or delivery of goods/services, as well as to all our agreements with customers/clients. Our general terms and conditions of sale were filed with the Registry of the District Court of Rotterdam on August 22, 2024, under number 18/2024. You can consult / download them here for Netherlands/Belgium, Germany and all other countries.
Purchase conditions:
All purchases are executed exclusively under our general terms and conditions of purchase. Any general terms and conditions referred to by our contracting party are hereby explicitly rejected.
The general purchase terms and conditions can be consulted/downloaded via the following link.
Any disputes will be settled exclusively by the Court of Rotterdam, the Netherlands. If our contracting party is established outside the European Economic Area (EEA) disputes will be settled by means of UNUM Arbitration in Rotterdam, under applicability of the UNUM Arbitration Rules